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6th IDEAÇÃO: Curious explorer: developing prompt, engagement and sociability actions
The event IDEAÇÃO is named upon the Design Thinking processes, as Ideação is the Portuguese word for Ideation.
In this 6th edition, the event is addressing topics as Metaverse, social media for entrepreneurs, soft skills and others. Those topics will help you to develop immediate and engagement action and improve your sociability: characteristics of a curious explorer.
During the three days of fully online activities (May, 10, 11 and 12), talks and workshops will guide you through ways to develop entrepreneurial skills under turbulent times.
When? May, 10, 11 and 12
Where? IDEAÇÃO is an online event. Links and access to the talks and workshops will be sent to all registered participants.
Who can participate? IDEAÇÃO is for free and it’s open for everyone who wants to register.
MAY, 10th
Opening Talk: Adventurous and EPIC: How to Innovate Through Turbulent Times (in English, with optional Portuguese translation)
Keynote speaker: Sally Dominguez
Time and date: 10th May | 3.30 PM (PDT) – 19:30 (BRT)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Ana Cecília Bisso Nunes
Language: Talk in English. Portuguese translation available
Who can participate: Everyone who wants to, no previous knowledge required
About Sally and her talk:
For the first time speaking in an event at PUCRS University, Sally Dominguez is a Futurist, Entrepreneur, and award-winning inventor. Professor at the Singularity University (USA), she created the Adventurous Thinking methodology as a strategy to promote innovation and to find opportunities in chaos. Her new book, EPIC Resilience, is a scalable strategy for personal growth, and facing change with creative confidence.

MAY, 10th
Workshop: Engaging audiences for innovative projects (workshop in Portuguese, no translation available)
Facilitator: Luisa Dal Mas
Time and date: 10th May from 10:00 to 12:30 (BRT)
Moderator: Gabriele Jeffman
Language: Portuguese (no translation available)
Who can participate: Everyone who wants to, no previous knowledge required
About this workshop:
Let’s talk about how to identify opportunities to engage with your audience and how to turn plans into measurable actions.
About Luisa:
Social medial manager, at HBO Max Brazil. Luisa has a Bachelor in Journalism. She has been working with digital marketing for 7 years ago, focusing on content strategies and branding awarness in social media, mainly focused on the entertainment area.

MAY, 11th
Workshop: How to analyze and solve problems using the mind as a driver of new ways of thinking
Facilitator: Prof. Dr. Rita Petrarca
Time and date: 11th May from 14:00 to 16:30 (BRT)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Lais Machado Lucas
Language: Portuguese (no translation available)
Who can participate: Everyone who wants to, no previous knowledge required
About this workshop:
Did you know that memory and creative abilities are excellent internal resources that we can use to solve problems and seek solutions?
About Rita:
Prof. Dr. Rita is a Psychologist, Master in Clinical Psychology and Doctor in Psychology.

MAY, 11th
Talk: Personality, decision making and problem solving: getting your project off the ground (in Portuguese, no translation available)
Facilitator: Luisa Zamagna Maciel
Time and date: 11th May 19:30 to 20:30 (BRT)
Moderator: Tangriane Forest Santos
Language: Portuguese (no translation available)
Who can participate: Everyone who wants to, no previous knowledge required
About this talk:
In order to solve a problem, it is not enough to just focusing on the problema itself. We should consider who we are, how we act, how we think and where we want to go. Therefore, in this talk, Luisa will seek to transform the way you think about problems and bring your personality as a preponderant factor in your decision making.
About Luisa:
Luisa is a Psychologist, Master in Clinical Psychology, Member of the Ethos Clinic, Member of Portal Formare – a therapist school, Member of the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST), Member of the Brazilian Federation of Cognitive Therapies ( FBTC) and Member of the first board of the Brazilian Association of Schema Therapy (ABTE).

MAY, 12th
Workshop: use of Learning based on teams for better engagement and application of content in practice (workshop in Portuguese, no translation available)
Facilitator: Prof. Dr. Michelle Guiramand and Prof. Dr. Ana Lígia Bender
Time and date: 12th May 13:00 to 15:00 (BRT)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Naira Libermann
Language: Portuguese (no translation available)
Who can participate: Everyone who wants to, no previous knowledge required
About this workshop:
Promoting learning through collaborative activities and developing student/collaborator autonomy through practical and real situations is essential to prepare them for the job market. The goal of this workshop is to equip stakeholders with the Team-Based Learning/Team-based Learning methodology.
About Prof. Dr. Ana Lígia Bender (first picture):
Pharmacist clinical analyst from UFRGS, Master in Biosciences and PhD in Medicine and Health Sciences from PUCRS. Adjunct professor of Pharmacy and Biomedicine courses at the School of Health and Life Sciences (ECSV) and member of the Pedagogical Innovation Center (NIP) of the same School. President of the Technical Working Group on Education of the Regional Pharmacy Council of RS.
About Prof. Dr. Michelle Guiramand (second picture):
Degree in Physical Education from the Porto Alegre Institute (1993), Master from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (2004), PhD in Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (2017), Specialist in Higher Teaching (2020). Professor of the Physical Education course at the School of Health and Life Sciences (ECSV) at PUCRS. Coordinator of the Pedagogical Innovation Center at the School of Health and Life Sciences – PUCRS.1

MAY, 12th
Talk: Metaverse: Business, Communication and Technology (in Portuguese, no translation available)
Speakers: Prof. Dr. Gabriela Ferreira, Prof. Dr. Eduardo Pellanda and Prof. Dr. Rafael Chanin
Time and date: 12th May 17:00 to 18:00 (BRT)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Alessandra Costa Smolenears Dutra
Language: Portuguese (no translation available)
Who can participate: Everyone who wants to, no previous knowledge required
About this talk:
The Metaverse isn’t about technology, it’s about who humans will be in the future. Which Metaverse are we talking about? What changes it will make in the digital environment?
About Rafael (first picture):
Entrepreneur and professor at the Polytechnic School of PUCRS in computing courses. He is also the leader of Tecnopuc Startups, an area of the park where he works with a focus on the development of startups in the ecosystem. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from PUCRS and an MBA from Northeastern University. Since 2011 he has worked and invested in technology startups. More than 10 years lecturing on topics such as digital transformation, innovative business development and agile methods. Organizer of Failcon Brazil, a renowned international conference where speakers present and discuss mistakes and failures committed in their businesses, bringing lessons learned.
About Gabriela (second picture):
Professor at PUCRS Business School.
About Eduardo (third picture):
Eduardo Campos Pellanda holds a degree in Advertising from PUCRS in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Master and Doctor in Communication from the same institution. Undergraduate and postgraduate professor at Famecos-PUCRS where he was also promoted to Full Professor by merit. Visiting professor at the Mobile Experience Lab MIT/USA where he also held two postdoctoral periods. He was a member of the Advisory Board of GAMI (Global Alliance for Media Innovation WAN-IFRA). He is the founder and coordinator of the Ubilab laboratory for applied research in communicational ubiquity. He has conducted research for corporations such as DB Server, HP, Grupo RBS, Bradesco, WAN-IFRA, TOTVS, Paim, and Unicef.

MAY, 12th
Talk: Education and its innovation interfaces in the future: How to recognize and optimize opportunities to develop entrepreneurial skills in students in different contexts (in Portuguese, no translation available)
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Jorge Audy
Time and date: 12th May 19:30 to 20:30 (BRT)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Denizar Alberto da Silva Melo
Language: Portuguese (no translation available)
Who can participate: Everyone who wants to, no previous knowledge required
About this talk:
In this talk, Prof. Dr. Jorge Audy addressees the relationships between knowledge, creativity and courage in the innovation road, as well as the importance of the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem for the transformation of knowledge into wealth and development.
About Audy:
PhD in Information Systems at UFRGS (2001), with Post-Doctoral at IASP (International Association of Science Parks and Innovation Areas), at Tsinghua University, China and University of Malaga, Spain (2016). Professor at the Polytechnic School and at the Graduate Program in Computer Science at PUCRS. He is Superintendent of Innovation and Development at PUCRS and at Tecnopuc (PUCRS Science and Technology Park). Researcher in the areas of Software Engineering and Information Systems. He has experience in Science, Technology & Innovation Management, in the areas of Social and Environmental Impact Business, Innovation Ecosystems (Scientific and Technological Parks) and University, Business & Government Interaction. He chairs the National Monitoring Committee of the PNPG 2011-2020 (National Postgraduate Plan), is a member of the Superior Council of EMBRAPII (MCTI), of the National Deliberative Council of SEBRAE, of the Board of Directors of the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development ( FNDCT) of the MCTI and the Strategic Council of the Alliance for Innovation in Porto Alegre (UFRGS-PUCRS-Unisinos). He was President of FOPROP (Forum of Deans of Research and Graduate Studies of Brazilian Universities), President of IASP (International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation) Latin America and President of ANPROTEC (National Association of Entities Promoting Innovative Enterprises) ). Among other recognitions, he received the National Order of Scientific Merit in the Commander category and the title of Emeritus Citizen of Porto Alegre.